What are the Salient Features of Master Plan Delhi-2021?

A) As per Municipal Property Tax Guide, Colonies/Localities/Areas have been categorized as A,B,C,D,E,F & G, and the list are as Annexure-II, VII & IX to the said guide.

B) Areas in NCT of Delhi where boarding and lodging activities are permissible:

As per the Master Plan Delhi, 2021 notified by the Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India vide SO No. 141(E) dated 07.02.2007, the following activities are permissible in the following areas.
  1. Hotels: It is permitted in commercial Use Zone, Commercial Centres in Industrial Use Zone and Transport Nodes (ISBT, Bus Depot/Terminal, Railway Station, Airport, Integrated Freight Complex, Metropolitan Passenger Terminal) and other use zones – where it is already existing and where building plans are approved by the Competent Authority (Para 5.8 of the MPD-2021 refers to).
  2. Service Apartments: A premise fully furnished, serviced and self contained with meal preparation and use for short term corporate accommodation. The activities permitted are guest suites, conference facilities, office, retail and service shops to be restricted upto 20% of floor area. Service is permitted in Apartment in Metropolitan City Centres, District Centres and Community Centres.
  3. Motels: New Motels shall not be permitted in the green belt. However, existing village abadis, regularized unauthorized colonies and approved motels may continue in the green belt (Para 3.2.1 of the MPD-2021 refers to).
  4. Guest House: Guest House (including lodging house) irrespective of numbers of rooms are also permitted in residential areas as mentioned at para-15.7 of the MPD-2021. Similar is the case with regard to other Lodging & Boarding facilities like Bed & Breakfast establishments, Dharamshalas / Hostels etc.


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