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According to experts at Ozg Center, conjugal rights can be defined the rights, especially to sexual relations, regarded as exercisable in law by each partner in a marriage. This makes sure that you are giving each other the status of spouse in the true sense.

When your spouse denies you your conjugal rights, you can seek legal help by claiming the restitution of your conjugal rights. If the court is satisfied that there is no legal ground to refuse the application and based on the veracity of the statements in the petition, may pass a decree for restitution of conjugal rights.
⛔ To discuss your case, you can schedule your Tele-Appointment with Ozg Lawyers to save your precious time and hard-earned money in court cases and matrimonial disputes-related matters.
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There are various sections providing different provisions for restitution of conjugal rights such as:
Section 9 in Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
Section 22 in Special Marriage Act, 1954
Section 32 in Indian Divorce Act, 1869
⛔ Reasonable Cause -
The burden of proof in this matter is two-fold. The husband has to prove that the wife has been denying him all the marital rights & has withdrawn from his society without any major reason. On the other hand, the wife has to show such proofs that show the actual valid reason for the withdrawal such as any matrimonial misconduct that made it impossible for her to continue to live with him. If she fails to do so, the court will pass a decree to restitute the conjugal rights of the husband. If the wife is able to prove any valid ground then the petition would be dismissed.
⛔ What does withdrawal from society means?
There is withdrawal from society when one among the spouses, without reasonable excuse, terminates an existing relationship with the intention of leaving the other and permanently or indefinitely abandoning such relationship. Withdrawal from the society not always necessarily means complete desertion or living separately, it also means withdrawal from sexual intercourse, non-cooperation in the performance of marital obligations.
⛔ To discuss your case, you can schedule your Tele-Appointment Ozg Lawyers to save your precious time and hard-earned money in court cases and matrimonial disputes-related matters.
Tele-Appointment Fee: ₹3780
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⛔ Procedure for The Restitution of Conjugal Rights -
📌 1) In this case, if you are the aggrieved party, the husband, files a petition in the district court. This can be transferred by application to the High Court or Supreme Court as well, according to the severity of the case or requirement.
📌 2) After the filing of the petition, a copy of the petition is sent to the respondent-wife along with the date of hearing from the district court.
📌 3) Both parties have to be present on the date of the hearing. If both parties are not present, the court gives another date.
📌 4) The next step is counseling/mediation sent by the court. It is done by the family court, as provided in the Family Courts Act. This takes approximately 4 months.
⛔ What happens in Counseling?
Once the parties are sent to counseling, they need to appear before a counselor. The counselor may be someone who has been appointed by the court. Counseling takes place on 2-3 dates with a gap of 2-3 weeks between two dates. Here, both parties are given a chance to present their versions of the facts, and the counselor tries to come to an understanding. In the end, the counselor offers advice. This may sort out the differences to go back to the husband, or to go for a divorce by mutual consent. You can message us at #Ozgian 24/7 - online support desk to learn about its eligibility criteria, timing, cost, and procedures), if the parties agree, it will imply that the purpose of counseling/ mediation has succeeded, and the suit can be dropped. However, if the parties refuse to proceed according to the suggestions of the counselor, the counselor will forward the application back to court on grounds that mediation has failed.
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📌 5) Once the application is back in court, the suit will continue, and the respondent-wife is required to give her ‘counter’ to the husband’s application. Oral arguments will proceed to dispose of the interim petitions first and pass the interim order.
📌 6) The husband has to file a Chief Examination Affidavit for producing evidence that the wife has left him, which will result in cross-examination.
📌 7) Final arguments take place next, where both the parties represent their version of facts and ultimately pray for relief from the Judge. Based on the counseling, statements made, and the conduct of the parties, the judge accordingly grants the decree.
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